
Mac Terminal.app vs iTerm2

Every once in a while I wonder if I’m using an unnecessary 3rd party app when a built-in on macOS would be sufficient. Terminal.app is one such app - I’ve used iTerm2 for many years, but I don’t use a bunch of its features, and every time I open iTerm2 settings it feels like overkill. I was on my spouse’s Mac over the weekend helping her get some things set up and used Terminal.
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Google’s been doing some interesting things lately. Some attract lots of attention, some very little. One that you may not have heard of is Google Collections . It’s just a series of Java helper classes. At first it may seem like a non-event, and mostly for us .NET folks that’s true. But I read this post about a year ago, and my interest was piqued by their Preconditions class. It’s nothing significant - it just throws various argument exceptions if you don’t pass “true” to its methods.
2 minutes to read