
Two years of Colemak

It’s been more than 2 years since I learned to type using Colemak , and I am still happily using it. I have nearly no interaction with QWERTY aside from my phone, the occasional shared machine where I can’t use my AutoHotKey mappings, and the meaningless default letters on all the keyboards I use but never look at. I never quite achieved my goal of 85 WPM, but I also never really properly trained for speed.
6 minutes to read

Colemak - the slowest way I could write a blog post (for now!)

I am in the process of learning Colemak, an alternate keyboard layout. There are lots of great reasons to do something that seems so masochistic, but it would take too long to type them here (literally). I’ve gone from ~55 WPM, to about ~15-20, but my goal is ~80 COMFORTABLY by the time I’m done. The top of my right hand especially hurts after prolonged QWERTY use. A couple guys at work use Dvorak, which I tried to learn in 2005.
2 minutes to read